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Water: A Matter of Quantity and Quality

Hydration is Key to Total Wellness 

What do you reach for when you feel parched? Soda? Coffee? Your answer should always be "water". Ever heard the saying, "Water is the fountain of youth?" Well, it is indeed true. You always hear people telling you the answer is to "drink more water"... Have a headache? Drink more water. Feel over-heated? Drink more water. Feel light headed? Drink more water. Have you ever stopped to wonder why? Our alternate health care clinic can assess your hydration needs and guide you down the road to total wellness.


There are many reasons to be properly hydrated, and the two factors that go into proper hydration are quantity of water and the quality of water. It may seem obvious but moisture is required for proper organ system function because it maintains skin elasticity (everyone hates wrinkles), muscle and connective tissue functionality and flexibility. Have you ever forgotten to water a plant? You may notice that under-watered or neglected plants dry up, become brittle, and are difficult to revive. The same things will happen to the human body if it goes under-hydrated, but it is much harder to tell.

The human body is like an oiled machine, without the proper amount of lubrication the internal elements cannot function properly, often causing the machine to shut down. Natural healing in Myrtle Beach at Alternative Health Clinic is your best bet at assessing your body's hydration levels and finding a way to easily manage and maintain healthy levels of fluids. Many people experience pain and discomfort throughout their body, but do not always realize it is related to hydration. Chiropractic care in Myrtle Beach is the best way to determine how to correct all of your unnerving ailments.